The canvas


The pieces  printed on A0 size papers being cut


The sheets are aligned to complete the big pieces stretching through several sheets


Cleaning in progress


A good day. Our canvas has arrived


Ready to make the pieces for the fullsize canvas


This is piece #10 for canopy right


Cutting in progress


A good progress but it is a hard job


The work of a day and a night


A kit for each canopy and one for the front arc


We have arrived at the hangar and ready to glue


The gluing points have been marked with tape


The canvas is assembled with precision. The angle of the gluing points

 gives the right curve to the canopies


The pieces getting are bigger and more hard to handle


Only the front arc missing. Like on the models the arc will be glued on as the last piece


The pieces have come together 


Pockets for the poles are made ready to glue


The pockets are glued and the corners have been added strength by a triangle of canvas


Front page