The Project


For several years we have been at Roskilde Festival and we use to live 10-15 friends in a camp at the same location in the camp area. Our camp has been made in the same way for many years, but this year it will be all different.

We are 5 friends from the camp who normally have the responsibility to coordinate and build the camp. For many years we have wanted to build the coolest camp at the festival, but to do that would take a lot of work and a great deal of creativity. Then last year at the festival we were talking about all the years we had been at Roskilde Festival and started counting. We came to the conclusion that this year, 2007, would be our 50 year anniversary combined for the 5 of us.

Then there was no doubt: 2007 should be a special year with a special camp.

Some years ago we had the idea of orangecamp and since then we have talked and dreamed about it, but this year should be the year that we actually build it.

Our idea of the coolest camp at Roskilde Festival and what would be more obvious: A scale model of the icon of Roskilde Festival Orange Stage.



The work on the camp started in october 2006 and the first and essential step was to produce some drawings of the camp. Fortunally 2 of the friends are engineers and one of them had to go to germany for some months to complete his studies. During this time he found 2 computer programs that combined made it possible to draw the model in 3D and print it in 2D. To test the drawings we made 2 smaller models and a lot of tests of materials. This work started right after christmas 2006.

You can see how the camp went from a idea and into to OrangeCamp if you go back to the front page and to the section: Pictures


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